Coaching book for couples during IVF ICSI fertility treatment

‘A Wish Unfulfilled’ book 

My name is Marijke Linssen, fertility coach. When you have a wish for a child and are faced with fertility issues, this will have a profound impact on your life. An unfulfilled wish for children affects you as a person, your relationship, family ties, friendships and work. Well, that is your whole life. 

These are the five pillars that are the basis of your life. When one of the pillars are starting to wobble, you can handle it, but when more pillars start to totter or even break, then it feels like your whole life is not very steady and may fall apart! When you make sure that your pillars are stable, then you go through fertility treatment in the best possible way.

Coach guidebook

That is why I wrote the book ‘A Wish Unfulfilled’, guidebook for couples during fertility treatment. Reading this book

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Image result for Health And Beauty Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has become a very popular health and beauty product in the recent years due to its extremely nourishing and enriching properties. Coconut oil has been used extensively since ages in India and now even the West is reaping it’s benefits. There is a huge variety of coconut oil in the market, however, organic  extra virgin coconut oil is the best out of the lot and should be your first preference, and if you are looking for some then here is a list of the best extra virgin coconut oil options available in the market.

How Is Coconut Oil Extracted?

There are two methods by which coconut oil is extracted:

-Dry processing

-Wet processing

In the dry processing technique, coconut meat is first extracted, and then dried using either fire or sunlight. It is then processed or dissolved with solvents to produce the oil.

The wet processing technique involves

Compost Food Waste For A Healthy Environment

I will concede that it isn’t for our culinary abilities that we Scots are greatest known. Statistics show Scotland to be in perpetual competitors with the USA for being the designated coronary heart attack capital of the world – a title which no nation desires. This is in no small half all the way down to eating regimen.Healthy Food

Jamur lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) telah diketahui di Cina selama lebih dari 4000 tahun dengan julukan Herb of Spiritual Potency. Seluruh penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa lingzhi tidak memiliki efek samping, dan dapat dikonsumsi pada dosis tinggi serta dapat digunakan secara paralel dengan obat-obatan lainnya. Jamur lingzhi kaya akan senyawa aktif organik seperti GeO (germanium organik), polisakarida, asam-asam amino protein, triterpen, asam askorbat, sterol, lipid, alkaloid, glukosa, coumarine glikosida, minyak-minyak atsiri, dan lain-lain. Sifat utama dari lingzhi adalah kemampuannya sebagai anti kanker , pembersihan darah, peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuh (improvement of immune …