Pregnant without Nausea, Normal or Not? This Explanation

6 Ways to Relieve Morning Sickness - City of Oaks Midwifery

Nausea (morning sickness) is one of the signs of pregnancy that often occurs in the first trimester. This is triggered by an increase in the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone which is a sign that the placenta has developed.

However, some women actually experience pregnancy without nausea. Of course this can cause concern, is that normal or not? Know the following explanation so that you are not mistaken.

Pregnant without nausea, normal or not?

An estimated 70-80% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. This condition most often occurs in the first 4 months of pregnancy. Not only high pregnancy hormones, decreased blood sugar and increased sense of smell also contribute to nausea during pregnancy. In addition, fatigue and stress can make morning sickness worse.

However, 20-30% of other pregnant women do not experience nausea at all. Actually, getting pregnant without nausea is normal because every woman experiences a different …

Various Causes of Concave Eyes and How to Overcome It

Mata cekung dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor penyebab

When looking in the mirror, you may feel shocked to see the eyes look sunken and black. Having sunken eyes can make you look lethargic and not fresh so that you lack confidence.

This condition turns out to be caused by various things, ranging from lack of sleep, aging to a medical condition. Not only happens to parents, sunken eyes can also be experienced by young children. So, how to overcome it?

Causes sunken eyes

Concave eyes are often characterized by depressions under the eyes, dark shadows above the lower eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, thin skin under the eyes, and a face that looks tired. There are various possibilities that can cause sunken eyes. However, the majority of cases are related to nutrition and individual lifestyle. As for the factors that cause sunken eyes, including:

1. Lack of sleep

A person generally needs to sleep 7-9 hours at …

Phenylalanine, an Amino Acid that has the Potential to Overcome Depression

Phenylalanine Benefits, Side Effects, Foods and More - Dr. Axe

Amino acids are constituents of proteins that enable the body to carry out functions in each of its tissues. Amino acids also have a variety of types and play their unique roles. One type of amino acid is phenylalanine which is important for the production of proteins and other molecules. Get to know phenylalanine further.

What is phenylalanine?

Phenylalanine is a type of amino acid that is a component of protein in the body. The phenylalanine molecule has two forms, namely L-phenylalanine and D-phenylalanine. The two are actually almost identical, even though they have slightly different molecular structures.

The form of L-phenylalanine is contained in various types of food, so it plays a role in the formation of proteins in the body. L-phenylalanine also becomes a type of essential amino acids. That is, these amino acids cannot be made independently by the body so they must be obtained through …